Friday, March 5, 2010

Day Twelve: Gatecon 2000

Gatecon, Stargate SG:1 fan convention in 2000.
Big fans of the show, my wife and I took our almost three year-old son with us to spend a weekend in a hotel in Burnaby. We got to listen to talks by various cast members and production staff. There was a small dealer room where I got the badge. There was also lots of opportunities to get autographs and pictures with cast members.

The best part was probably dressing our son up in a tunic and cloak and my wife painted the mark of the Jaffa of Apophis on his forehead. Peter Williams (the actor who played Apophis) spotted him in the hall outside the main room and worked out a little "scene". During his talk he slipped a bit into character and announced that his new First Prime (chief warrior) was in the room and called forth our son. I was so proud when he walked up to the stage and sat quietly on Peter's knee for about five or ten minutes before coming back to us. It was a cute bit and the flashbulbs went crazy for it. There is even video somewhere.

My wife went back by herself the next year (she was a much bigger fan than me) and reported afterwards that the Con had gotten a little more "professional" and was far more formal about access to the cast and crew. Probably for the best but we have never been back. They are having the next one in July and it has evolved into a wider-ranging fandom than just the Stargate shows. Our son will be 12 this summer and enjoys Stargate:Universe, the latest franchise in the series. Maybe he would like to go.

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