Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day Fourteen: I Hiked the Canadian Rockies

I don't remember it but I have the badge.

I was at CJ'81 and we certainly walked a lot but I don't recall actually going on anything that I would consider a hike. In fact I am not sure how I got this badge. I would not have bought it (although I do like the colours). It may have been purchased for our whole patrol or troop...

As for "hiking"... well as I said we did walk a lot around the site. The closest I can remember to a "hike" was when several of us used some free time one evening to head to this little dude ranch near our camp. Their property was butted up right against the park and they had trail rides and had set up a shop out of a trailer outside the main building. I bought a cowboy hat having, I think, been on a day trip from the site to see the Calgary Stampede the day before. I was in a very cowboy mood that night.

I don't think I wore that hat more than two or three times after the event. Whoever owned that ranch must have made a killing off several thousand city boys like me who got caught up in the romance of it all. An attractive badge was a much better value. Perhaps that is why I am so enthusiastic about buying them still.

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