Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 24: Hill St Precinct

Metropolitan Police Department, Hill Street Precinct. Captain Frank Furillo officer commanding.
Oh, yeah I can still hear the music in my head. I remember Buntz and Belker, Bates and Coffey, and who could forget our favorite Nietzschean, Howard Hunter. I grew up watching Barney Miller and CHiPs but it was Hill Street Blues which set the standard for TV cop shows for me. Heck, I think Mr Bochco changed the meaning of "TV drama".

I got this badge on a ball cap sometime during the run of the show. I think before it jumped the shark sometime around season four. The cap died but I couldn't part with the badge which is a perfect replica of that worn on the show.

Not entirely sure how it's relevant but someday I hope to get a badge from "Beverly Hills Gun Club", a fictional movie within the funniest sitcom ever: Action, starring Jay Mohr.

Anyway as Sergeant Esterhaus would say, "Let's be careful out there."

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