Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 37: 27th Sea Scout Rendevous

A Souting event I attended but was not a part of!

"How can that be?" I hear you ask.

Well, I was not yet a Scout that year but our whole family went to the event for which dad was a leader. I don't recall any time before or since that the whole family camped at a Scouting event although my current group tried a "family camp" last year and is planning one for this year.

The only part of the whole event I have any recollection of was breakfast (probably Saturday morning) where I was eating jam on toast. It was while adding the jam to said toast that the wasp stung me right on my stomach. The only time I have ever been stung was while I have a piece of toast in one hand and a knife full of jam in the other. I screamed and sat there wondering what to do.

I'd like to say I never had jam on toast camping again or some such cute ending but the reality is I would ever pass up jam on toast. I do however try to always have a wasp trap and I get rather antsy around the wee beasties. I also exclude wasps from my vision of the great circle of life. I don't think they fill a unique niche and I'd be happy to see them disappear.

OK, maybe a little mean, but it hurt!

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