Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 31: Hai-Etlik Islands Region

Sometimes this is a very small Scouting world.

I was at Woodbadge training recently and noticed some of the other candidates had this badge in their uniforms.  I was too busy at the time - and then later forgot - to ask about the badge. I loved the exotic sea monster the first tie I saw this badge when I got it at CJ'81 as a trade (remember I was living in Nova Scotia at the time).

Now, nearly 30 years later, I am living here and this mysterious Hai-Etlik Islands Region is so close their leaders are training with me. I wanted to hear the story of the sea-monster but I should have just looked on Wikipedia. "Lightning Snakes" sounds like a pretty cool sea-monster. Oddly some of the references I found suggest it is the same as the Sisiutl but the latter always has two heads, one at each end. That to me smacks of lazy categorization ie: "indigenous + sea monster = same thing no matter what". Would European folklorists be allowed to say that griffins and pegasus are the same thing?

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