Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 54: Fuertes Frontenac District

A very unusual badge from Pennsylvania featuring natural scenery and birds.  

Fuertes-Frontenac District is apparently a part of the Baden-Powell Council in Pennsylvania. I know the name Frontenac from Canadian history but I have no idea who Fuertes might have been. Given the prominent birds on the crest perhaps it refers to ornithologist Louis Agassiz Fuertes (isn't Google wonderful). He was made an Honorary Scout in 1927 so that would be a good bet.

The red bird on the right is, I am pretty sure, a Cardinal. The other is probably some sort of Bluebird.

Anyway, I love the way the shape and colours of the birds takes a boring (thought easy to sew) round crest and gives it an illusion of interesting shape. I almost thought it was some sort of flag design when I first saw the badge.

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